Friday, February 24, 2006

Koigu Gloves - Past Project #3

Koigu Gloves
Originally uploaded by invinciblegirl.
Pattern from here.

I think either I did not measure my hands correctly or that pattern kind of sucks because those gloves make my hands look like Mr. Potato Head's. Except more psychedelic.

I do like the Koigu, but that is probably because it is one of my favorite yarns.

I mentioned on the picture caption that the fingers on the left hand look very nipply, and that was performed due to the pattern. I recommend doing a less tapered round of decreases per finger so you don't look so creepy.

Actually, I would just recommend finding one of the brazilian different stupid fucking patterns of fingerless gloves (almost as stupid as the goddamned wristwarmers that are so ubiquitous, and it's like, dude, my wrists have never been cold) and just knitting to the end of your finger, do a K2 tog round of decreases and then pull the end through, hat-stylee.

These were knitted for me to smoke cigarettes in without freezing my hands off. Unfortunately, due to their puffiness and general non-fittitude, I handle cigarettes like I have no tendons in my hands.

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